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Updates: July 29th, 2022

Highlights include a new welcome flow and improved naming and filtering options for columns in the Activity table

Francesca Runger-Field avatar
Written by Francesca Runger-Field
Updated over a week ago

New releases

New welcome flow added

New users who have not yet added their first domain will now be greeted with a "Welcome to OnDOMAIN" flow that facilitates faster and easier onboarding.

A few moments after running through the two-step flow, OnDOMAIN will display the health check for your newly added domain.

'Last scanned' column added to the Activity table

The Activity table includes the observation date column that shows when OnDOMAIN first spotted a lookalike domain.

We’ve now added a complementary column called 'Last scanned' that tells you the last time a lookalike domain was rescanned. This allows for much better filtering and review of the Activity table.

Logo download action

You can now download any logo you’ve previously uploaded to the Logos management section.

You will find this action as a new button next to the delete logo and view logo buttons, as shown in the screenshot below:


Classification column renaming and improved filter

The Classification column indicates whether a lookalike domain is an asset, a parked or abandoned domain.

In order to avoid confusion with the actual classification of lookalikes (i.e. marking domains as safe, threats, or leaving them unclassified) we have renamed the Classification column to Category.

We’ve also made it easier to filter this column by including a dropdown of possible options and a sensible set of filter operators. You may add several filters on the same column using different operator/value combinations.


Removal of duplicates after adding manual lookalikes

We identified an issue where manually added lookalikes could exist as duplicates if OnDOMAIN had already spotted the exact lookalike before.

That is, if OnDOMAIN spotted the lookalike domain (which would appear in the Unclassified tab by default) and you manually added the same lookalike domain to the Safe tab, the domain would exist in both tabs (Unclassified and Safe).

With this fix, the manually added lookalike domain will only exist in the specified tab, removing the lookalike domain from the other tabs.

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